Kenya, known for its natural beauty, lush foliage and beautiful beaches, has been a land of unending change and diversity with a long, complex history. Kenya gained its independence from the British in 1963, but the country still struggles with poverty, health care and education—all areas volunteers can greatly make a difference in.   If you’ve volunteered in Kenya, we’d love to hear about your experience. Please let us know which organization you signed up with, what your trip was like, and if you’d recommend the program to others.

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Start with one Kenya

CLEAN & SAFE WATER CHANGES EVERYTHING In the US, a water crisis is a major news story. In many other parts of the world, it would be daily life. Every year more than 2 million people, mostly children, die from waterborne disease. Fifty percent of all the illness in the world is caused by unsafe … Continue reading Start with one Kenya

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