Khalsa Peace Corps (KPC) was founded in 2009. The founders, Jacquie and Ravi Singh, were inspired by their belief that a full spiritual experience requires one to transform their higher conscience into action. Thus the role of Khalsa Peace Corps is to be a platform that transforms ones' higher conscience into daily actions of service and sharing. Share A Meal is a program of Khalsa Peace Corps. 

Share A Meal has a central kitchen where rice and beans are prepared. Our mobile kitchens are food trucks that arrive on a regular schedule at different locations on different nights around the city where the homeless populations are concentrated. Volunteers meet at these locations and help roll burritos in the first hour of service. In the second hour, they not only serve the hot meals they helped to prepare, but also go out with loving hearts, kind words, and smiles, offering water, and other assistance in the form of socks, blankets, toiletries, and other necessities. The volunteer experience is one of humility and an uplifting of their consciousness. The homeless feel humanized and keep their hopes and dreams alive.